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If you are married or you live with a significant other, extended periods within each other's presence can cause a lot of problems. Or if you are in the early stages of a relationship and need to attract a man, you may also fnd problems. There are many reasons for why this happens, and the end result is a loss of romance in the relationship. Maintaining this elusive feeling of romance requires a lot of effort from both sides.
In theory having romance is nice, but in practice how do you go about doing this? When you set up to build up the romance in your relationship, keep in mind that no couple can be set afire the same way. This is because your needs, and your significant other's needs, are entirely different from all the other people in the world. Paying attention to his needs and his to yours is of utmost importance.
A central principle to keep in mind is to maintain high levels of affection for the other person. Don't take for granted his presence. Make that extra effort of praise or hold his hand, kiss, talk about your day and ask about his. These actions will be reciprocated, and a positive feedback loop will be set up that will help both of you. The daily grind can cause the both of you to become too comfortable, lazy even. Maintaining affection requires great effort on both your sides. Make sure that not only you say the right things, but also take some time to perform the right romantic moves, such as planning a nice night out, or secretly getting a gift for your anniversary. These are lessons you have learned the hard way from how to attract a guy.
Speaking of a night out, make sure that the two of you make regular dates with each other to help increase the attraction. Time is short for working couples in this age, so any free time should be considered potential date time. If you have been with your significant other for long, then you are fortunate because many activities will constitute a date. Going to the public library, taking a walk, seeing a new exhibit at the museum in the city, etc. Also for added fun, arrange outings with other couples. These social activities will help build up your relationships. These date nights will help you two flirt with each other, heightening your mutual attraction.
Don't just go for the things you like. Sometims go for the things that your husband or boyfriend wants to do. This will make things even more special. You may like to shop a lot, but give that up for a weekend by visiting the electronics store to check out the newest gadgets. It's not interesting to you? But it's a compromise at least that builds on your relationship. The best scenario is that he will reciprocate and make things good for you.
There are several different ways to approach this problem of maintaining and feeding the fires of romance. None of this will be easy, but it is said that extended relationships require the most work. But as you work at it, it'll become easier and easier.
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